Thursday, February 12, 2015

This Valentines renew your LOVE with your JOB...

 So how do you choose that job that will be a relationship of envy ? 
You need to cater to the following questions:
a.      Am I a social individual, do I like to have people around me ? This will tell you if you can be a team worker or a solo performer…so pick a job accordingly
b.      Am I sent by God to accomplish something big, i.e, do I have a purpose in Life … if yes… you know what to do… and where & which organization will help you fulfill that desire. If not, you may be looking for something to fulfill a need or responsibility.
c.       Am I raring to go, excited, and can do anything that life throws up on me ? I f Yes, OK , you are here, and have arrived and are ready to perform with a fire in your belly.
 Love your Job , and how do you do it ?? 
Well, it all begins with loving yourself, when you do love yourself, you will pick a job that befits you and your needs. These needs could wary from person to person and from job type to job style as mentioned above.

As we know, things are changing with times . People are seeking more meaning from their work. People in far flung parts of the world now have a voice and an audience  Customers, informed by the increasing transparency and availability of information, are demanding that organisations behave more responsibly and sensitively, largely enabled by technology and the worldwide web. The growing transparency of corporate behavior in the modern world is creating a new real accountability.

Now, everyone demands and expects change. Leaders need now to care properly for people and the future of the planet, not just to make a profit and to extract personal gain. And so businesses and corporations are beginning to realize that genuinely caring for people everywhere is actually quite a sensible thing to do. It is now more than ever necessary for corporations to care for people and the world - alongside the need to make a profit. "Love, compassion, and spirituality - consideration for people and the world we live in - whatever you choose to call it - is now a truly relevant ethos in business and organisations”, said Barbara Heyns

So now that the company does all these magical things and you have that sudden “out of love” moment .... 
5 tips to pick yourself up:

  1. 1.       Think about your past : See where you started and look at what you have done today ? recognize and appreciate the fact that you have travelled a long way. LOVE YOURSELF.
  2. 2.       Relive your happiness on getting this job’s offer letter : Remember your Interview & the gush of happiness you had when you stepped into office on your first day , this was your first day at work , you were nervous yet excited,  you bagged the job, you are special , and so you are here.
  3. 3.       Count or Account your achievements, promotions, or just on the job milestones: every company has a “PDA time” (Public Display of Affection), do you remember that you were spoken about publicly, or recognized on an email for doing a good job, or getting a certificate for just about being a part of the cultural team at work, however small it may seem at the moment, don’t forget, if you do not push yourself to continue you will lose that sparkle. Account it as positive, put it into your plus job bag.
  4. 4.       Welcome the Constantly increasing workloads: Now why would you have these work loads, why are you working night and day,  it’s because you are special, the team lead or HOD  finds comfort in working with you, he is looking at you as a performer, he is trusting you to deliver, hey, this is really a good sign. If You dare to look at it the other way and you would be OVER. If not, you would be the GO TO PERSON in your organization soon.
  5. 5.       Talk talk talk : when you feel that the above points are getting the better of you…. JUST TALK TO YOUR HR OR BOSS.  Very often, talking resolves misunderstandings, eliminates insecurities, and puts things in perspective. But… make sure you pick the right time to talk… that’s very very important. 

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