Monday, March 7, 2011

Bird of Paradise , painted in Oils, for Rajiv's Living Room in Australia

Painted in Oils , jan/feb 2011, for my dear friend Rajiv.... for his Living room in Australia....
Rajiv, has been a wonderful friend and has stood by me in my time of crisis in Mumbai, when we were in college, when most  people i knew had either shied away or moved on with their lives...
I would never ever forget his stand to my innocence.
Apart that , we had spent many a vibrant moment in College with a largish group of friends... Rajiv added sanity to our Madnesssssss...
I would take any and every moment to recall "the" Pyjama incident...


  1. Aww Thanks Meher! I am looking forward to receiving the painting and putting it up in my lounge.
    Yes our friendship goes back two decades and has stood the test of time & distance. There are fond memories & highs & lows in our respective lives that have been witnessed over time which have not eroded our relationship as it meandered its way through.
    Thanks for this gift & lots of love to you & your family.

  2. Eagerly waiting for you to...
    first take it from me..
    then Frame it ,
    then Hang it up above the fireplace.....
    And Finally...
    Send me a picture of the Lounge with my flowers smiling down upon you.... :)
