Saturday, May 18, 2024

Golden period

Anuj Saxena: 

Our golden period starts only when we become Aware and we open our inner eyes towards the supreme power in gratitude!!

And surrender fully to his will and actions and behave like puppets of his move as per his wish and be grateful every single second of life, wherever he puts us and whatever he puts us in, from now up until we leave this world !

17.7.2024 Morning thought- we can only love ourselves and take care of ourselves, change ourselves and no one else in this whole world !! It’s me vs me and then let people accept or not is their wish

Monday, October 15, 2018

Pearls of Wisdom

Pearls of Wisdom To you,

You are blessed
and Have,
If nothing else,
Enjoy the thought
I am sure, but,
Life is all about facing them
Coming to terms
And making the most
Of life
No pain
No gain
And if there was no pain
How would you know
And experience
What is happiness…
God has been kind

And do find solace
Win over with selfless love
Commitments made
Are to be lived with….
They are like a wheel
And are followed by an up
After every down.
Have faith in your judgment
And yourself.
You have to be victorious
And I have no doubt
That you will
God speed & god strength
Our greatest enemy
Is us, ourselves
And that too
The area between our ears.
All we do is create pregledices
And bias
Where it does not belong
Hurt is a figment
Of our imagination
It has been created
By the mind
To perpetuate
Its importance and bias
So that the mind
Rules your being
It’s a game,
A game of attrition
Which you will win
You have a clear head
Truly look within
The depths of your inner self
Hurt makes you stronger
Only if
You can decipher
What made you react
And then
Close that door
For the future.
No there is no further hurt
When the same
Strategy is used again.
Can hurt you,
You let them.
So, Why do you have
This Door open….
To let people enter
You hurt yourself
And then
Cannot accept it
So blame it on others.
Celestial matters
And designs
Are not for us mortals
Look for calm
And all solutions
Will come from there.
Time will stand still
As it will not pass
And it will seem slow
Until  you are Happy.
Happy times fly
Anything that I can do
To make that / happen

Would make me fulfilled.

ROADS – G.C, Bengdubi

That road looked so deserted,
Going into the jungle deeps.
Looked as though immersed,
By the falling of the autumn leaves.
The shrubs seemed entwined
Between tall trunks of Almond  trees
Which in a way, they secretly covered
Held strong, withstanding the weather.

There was a peaceful calm,
No sign of people around;
Just the wind blowing softly,
Raining large sized leaves, all around.
The sky, a lovely hue of  blue,
And the sun shines down, brightly too,
Causing a few shaft rays, to filter through
An Enigma, within the riot of Greens, without ado .

Thursday, February 12, 2015

This Valentines renew your LOVE with your JOB...

 So how do you choose that job that will be a relationship of envy ? 
You need to cater to the following questions:
a.      Am I a social individual, do I like to have people around me ? This will tell you if you can be a team worker or a solo performer…so pick a job accordingly
b.      Am I sent by God to accomplish something big, i.e, do I have a purpose in Life … if yes… you know what to do… and where & which organization will help you fulfill that desire. If not, you may be looking for something to fulfill a need or responsibility.
c.       Am I raring to go, excited, and can do anything that life throws up on me ? I f Yes, OK , you are here, and have arrived and are ready to perform with a fire in your belly.
 Love your Job , and how do you do it ?? 
Well, it all begins with loving yourself, when you do love yourself, you will pick a job that befits you and your needs. These needs could wary from person to person and from job type to job style as mentioned above.

As we know, things are changing with times . People are seeking more meaning from their work. People in far flung parts of the world now have a voice and an audience  Customers, informed by the increasing transparency and availability of information, are demanding that organisations behave more responsibly and sensitively, largely enabled by technology and the worldwide web. The growing transparency of corporate behavior in the modern world is creating a new real accountability.

Now, everyone demands and expects change. Leaders need now to care properly for people and the future of the planet, not just to make a profit and to extract personal gain. And so businesses and corporations are beginning to realize that genuinely caring for people everywhere is actually quite a sensible thing to do. It is now more than ever necessary for corporations to care for people and the world - alongside the need to make a profit. "Love, compassion, and spirituality - consideration for people and the world we live in - whatever you choose to call it - is now a truly relevant ethos in business and organisations”, said Barbara Heyns

So now that the company does all these magical things and you have that sudden “out of love” moment .... 
5 tips to pick yourself up:

  1. 1.       Think about your past : See where you started and look at what you have done today ? recognize and appreciate the fact that you have travelled a long way. LOVE YOURSELF.
  2. 2.       Relive your happiness on getting this job’s offer letter : Remember your Interview & the gush of happiness you had when you stepped into office on your first day , this was your first day at work , you were nervous yet excited,  you bagged the job, you are special , and so you are here.
  3. 3.       Count or Account your achievements, promotions, or just on the job milestones: every company has a “PDA time” (Public Display of Affection), do you remember that you were spoken about publicly, or recognized on an email for doing a good job, or getting a certificate for just about being a part of the cultural team at work, however small it may seem at the moment, don’t forget, if you do not push yourself to continue you will lose that sparkle. Account it as positive, put it into your plus job bag.
  4. 4.       Welcome the Constantly increasing workloads: Now why would you have these work loads, why are you working night and day,  it’s because you are special, the team lead or HOD  finds comfort in working with you, he is looking at you as a performer, he is trusting you to deliver, hey, this is really a good sign. If You dare to look at it the other way and you would be OVER. If not, you would be the GO TO PERSON in your organization soon.
  5. 5.       Talk talk talk : when you feel that the above points are getting the better of you…. JUST TALK TO YOUR HR OR BOSS.  Very often, talking resolves misunderstandings, eliminates insecurities, and puts things in perspective. But… make sure you pick the right time to talk… that’s very very important. 

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Is Our Customer a KING !!

Meher's Blog Four : is our Customer a KING ?
  Customer is King ....This means while planning the product or service, designing the same, and in producing, marketing, distributing and selling we should possess one central focus at the core of all decision making,
 (Remember: in Oxigen's instance, the customer may not necessarily be the end-user or consumer).
The Big Picture - Relationships Build Brands  and it's that Relationship bond that we create that binds the Customers with the Company:
Products or brands by themselves do not automatically usher in customer loyalty or strengthen customer relations. 
In today’s world, customers are looking for products that suit their purpose best – in terms of price, features, quality and appearance.  Products or services of any brand do not sell for themselves or don’t give guarantee of selling automatically.
Because the production era is over, marketing era is over, the sales era is over and now it is the time for societal marketing era, therefore the customer’s are searching for products and services that best suit their needs and also give them a better value.
(i.e. it gives maximum benefits by spending less on value).

They expect to be treated as "kings" and to receive all the sales and service support, along with definite solutions to problems from retailers, dealers or channel partners or be it for any of our services , they demands are of the highest standards and superior quality
Consider the following questions:
  • Do you present a single face to your customers, or do you make him carry his complaint from one dept to another , like from customer care to IT or to Prvisioning or to get his TB updated he has to knock on several doors?
  • Do you work in different ways for different classes of customers and different types of people, like when you hear someone talking in "not so good english", do you treat him in an ugly fashion, if someone speaks in a vernacular accent , do you reach out to him or are you impolite?
  • Do you know what your customers will ask for before they do, then you are GOD... you need to change this attitude... remember he is KING?
  • Do you make your customers' experience a seamless one, are your inter departmental processes clearly defined or just restricted to yourself and your department, and then you dump the customer on to another department ?
  • Do you let customers do more for themselves, because if you don't have the above sorted out , you really will be making them do the running about ?
  • Do you measure the things that customers really care about, if not, NOW IS THE TIME ?
Points of View
From the customer's point of view, our company or brand exists
·       only to create value for them,
·       to provide them with results and
·       help them grow economically. 
There are many more the options available in the market place and so our customers have a lower brand loyalist attitude. And because of all of these options, the focus of every company competing in our type of market place has gradually shifted from customer satisfaction to customer delight. i.e. they are now busy in finding new and innovative ways to satisfy the customers so that they will stick to the company.
Economic; Information; Emotion We need to give our customers a value-added experience, NOTE: we are not just "selling them stuff" .....

Finally we need to understand that, the Customer always looks for those brands which create most value for them. Therefore, in this fast changing market, the focus of each one of you, should be on the ultimate value that is being provided to the customers, so that he does feel like a KING !!

This was a serious note.....and i hope you take note of it SERIOUSLY .

Wasted Thoughts !!

Meher's Blog  Three : Wasted thoughts ? Pls read...

Let's talk about the Unnecessary Thoughts that keep popping up in our minds from time to time....

Unnecessary thoughts are thoughts that are produced at untimely moments that fill us with worry and anxiety when they appear in our minds. They have no constructive use.

Unnecessary and useless thoughts are quick and repetitive which lead you nowhere.

Often they refer to things from the past: "If this hadn't happened? Why did she have to say that to me?"

Too many thoughts are about things that we cannot change, or worries about the future: "What will happen tomorrow? How will it happen? What will I do if I find myself on my own?" If I had been there at the time, this disaster would not have happened." "If I had had this information at the time, I would have won the case." "When I get the promotion, I will be more respected by my superiors." "How is it that I am doing all the work, and my senior is getting all the rewards."

Your ability to concentrate is weakened by these useless thoughts.
If you have a lot of these thoughts, you use more energy and time to undertake each task. The origins of negativity also reside in them and overtake your mind with doubt.

From the time that the past has already passed and the future is yet to come, these kinds of thoughts are not useful and they also weaken your inner strength and exhaust you.

 It is vital that we learn to avoid this pattern of thinking.
THIS IS THE ONLY WAY OUT and you will find yourself being more focused and your decision making capacity will improve.

Relationships & Work

Dear All.
After writing to you about Who is our Customer ???.... i thought about RELATIONSHIPS.... more importantly about Customer Relations...  To put it in simple words .....A Customer relationship is actually very similar to any Relationship that we maintain in life....
It takes 2 people to connect to form a relationship, be it a simple friendship, or, relations within a family, or a marriage or even a business deal struck by two company's executives ... It all a Relationship.
What really happens, is, like all relationships, the new ones are always nurtured with extra care...  You land up spending lots of time together, thoughts -emotions and feelings are constantly exchanged and shared ,the days routines are expressed and discussed ... If you are sad, your friend cheers you up and vice versa...
Later as time passes by ... and as you get to know your friend or relative better..... You naturally & slowly start taking them for granted ( it's  human nature )...then you start expecting them to understand everything that's on your mind , and also that they should know what to do all the time... Slowly, The sharing and caring part starts to disappear. And you begin to take each other for granted L.
Stop right here.... and think....
This is the point where you really have to wake up & realise, that you are going have to stop .. .. because if you don't it spells doom for the both of you... If it's your friend or relative ...He or She will start getting upset... which will lead to fights and some arguments... which will become stressful for both of you and lead on to a unhappy phase and relationship.
Similarly, Even though customer relationships are one of a company’s most valuable assets, they are often one of the most undervalued assets too. All Companies by default focus more on customer acquisition than on customer retention, which is what we at Oxigen need focus on dually. While our mission currently is to deploy 1,00,000 new terminals, it is definitely not at the cost of our old valuable customers, who have been using our services.

Technically , Every customer is an asset and has an economic value or Lifetime Market Value (LMV). A customer’s Lifetime Market Value is determined by taking your average customer transaction amount and multiplying it by the number of transactions he or she will conduct with our organization over time.
For example, if one average customer pays a premium of INR 1000 per quarter and stays with the organization for 2 years than the average LMV is 1000 x 4 = 4000 x 2 = 8000
Companies start devoting majority of their resources and energy in aggregating new customer start doing so sometimes at the cost of the existing customer. This erodes the ‘trust’ and ‘customer loyalty’ found in repeat customer relationship, which is why we are looking today at being customer centric.
Google advertising professional Tim Cohen gives the reason why customers leave their existing brand.
What if the customer leaves the Oxigen brand in one year rather than two years?  A loss of INR 4000 per customer! And we all know it takes 10 times more to get a new customer than to retain an existing one.

In rising competition, retaining customer becomes a source of repeat business as well as reference business. Companies such as ours can establish a better customer relationship by being present in our customer’s life on regular basis in a much personalised way. This can be done  very simply by applying the same funda's or rules we would to make our human relations (friends and family as discussed earlier) more effective, thus, making our customers feel wanted...
We have to LISTEN to them, patiently.
We have to be SYMPATHETIC, if they are complaining.
We have to be UNDERSTANDING, towards their needs.
We have to SORT out their PROBLEMS, QUICKLY, however big or small they may be.
We have to time and again, REASSURE them , that we are here to HELP them.
BY DOING THIS, we would take the first step towards RETAINING our customer and building a Strong BOND with them.
So can we safely say that today onwards,when we or our teams interact with our customers , we will make them feel  "Special", as Special as we try and make our family or friends feel ??...Can we make them feel good about us?

I end this note hoping you realize that a building a relationship with all our customers will help us all prosper together...... So work on this relationship and make it beautiful with your individual contributions !!